[systemd-devel] inetd-style service with connection logging

Brian Kroth bpkroth at gmail.com
Fri Jun 17 16:11:32 UTC 2016

Mantas Mikulėnas <grawity at gmail.com> 2016-06-17 08:00:
>On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 5:05 AM, Brian Kroth <bpkroth at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm trying to convert an old school inetd service into a systemd
>> socket activation.
>> More or less what was describe in [1] worked for me.  However, the bit I'm
>> currently missing is connection logging.
>> With the openbsd-inetd package (Debian), one could enable libwrap style
>> logging with the -l option to inetd and get something like this:
>> Jun 16 00:00:16 faitest32 inetd[16032]: connection from,
>> service nrpe (tcp)
>> Anyone know how to do that with systemd socket/service pairs?  Does it
>> just require a ExecPreStart sort of rule to echo %i (or some such) into a
>> logger pipe (or whatever the journal equivalent of that is), or is there a
>> directive to get that that I'm just missing in my googling?
>As of v209, the source address is *always* logged when the instance starts
>(well, technically, it's added to the service description) – search the
>journal for MESSAGE_ID=39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf. (Can't filter by
>unit unfortunately since UNIT= only has the unique name of the instance,
>not the generic one...)
>Jun 16 18:19:10 frost systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH Per-Connection Daemon
>Jun 16 18:22:07 frost systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH Per-Connection Daemon (
>Jun 17 07:52:34 frost systemd[1]: Started Ident (RFC 1413) per-connection
>server ([::1]:50860).

Hmm, I'm running v215 on a Debian Jessie machine, but that MESSAGE_ID 
isn't turning anything up for the messages I was expecting.

# journalctl --all -x | grep -i nrpe
Jun 17 10:05:15 faitest64 systemd[1]: [/etc/systemd/system/nagios-nrpe-server at .service:25] Failed to parse nice priority, ignoring: $NICENESS.

(from before I took that out from my other question thread)

# journalctl MESSAGE_ID=39f53479d3a045ac8e11786248231fbf
-- Logs begin at Thu 2016-06-16 18:46:02 CDT, end at Fri 2016-06-17 11:09:04 CDT. --
Jun 17 00:19:35 faitest64 systemd[886]: Reached target Paths.
Jun 17 00:19:35 faitest64 systemd[886]: Reached target Timers.
Jun 17 00:19:35 faitest64 systemd[886]: Reached target Sockets.
Jun 17 00:19:35 faitest64 systemd[886]: Reached target Basic System.
Jun 17 00:19:35 faitest64 systemd[886]: Reached target Default.
Jun 17 00:19:40 faitest64 systemd[886]: Reached target Shutdown.

Do you know the commit id for that change offhand?  Maybe Debian 
stripped the patch or something, though I'm not sure why that would have 

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