[systemd-devel] does "Before=network.target" really work

Xin Long lucien.xin at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 10:11:09 UTC 2016


I have a service, and want it to be stopped only after network is
stopped when system shutdown.

I checked "man systemd.special ", network is a special internal
service for systemd, , and I found "network.target":
"at shutdown, a unit that is ordered after network.target will be
stopped before the network -- to whatever  level it might be set up
then -- is shut down".
That means "After=network.target" can work well.

But my situation is opposite to that, I need "a unit that is ordered
before network.target will be stopped *after* the network so

So I added "Before=network.target" to .service file. can it really
work as I expect?


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