[systemd-devel] autostart processes based on tty

Emanuel Berg embe8573 at student.uu.se
Mon May 16 02:09:52 UTC 2016

I would like to start different processes in
different ttys on boot, automatically and with
autologin first, and then have them run as normal
programs, with the I/O intact, including quitting
and get the shell - i.e., just as you would if you
did it all manually. (The autologin part of the
above question I solved.)

Up and until today, I've done this with zsh in
.zprofile, and I include it here so you'll know
exactly what I ask for:

# ...

local tty_number=${TTY#/dev/tty}

case $tty_number in
    (1)       lkeys # [1]
              make -C ~/.emacs.d/emacs-init
              emacs ;;
    (2|3)     tmux-new-session-split ;;
    (5)       echo "Waiting for Internet connection..."
              when-internet-set-time > /dev/null # ~/.zsh/web
              tmux ;;
    (6)       start-x-if-not-running & ;;

# ...

I thought it'd be a good idea to do it with systemd!

As a test, I tried to do it with top(1) in
/dev/tty4, and I got this far

    Description=top on tty4



This results in a running process, but it doesn't
seem to be associated with /dev/tty4 and there is no
I/O there but the familiar shell.

PS. I would say this is a ".user" question but
    I couldn't find such a group!

underground experts united .... http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573
Emacs Gnus Blogomatic ......... http://user.it.uu.se/~embe8573/blogomatic
                   - so far: 30 Blogomatic articles -                   

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