[systemd-devel] systemctl how to stop a service

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon May 16 10:58:01 UTC 2016

Am 16.05.2016 um 12:53 schrieb Andrei Borzenkov:
> 16.05.2016 13:28, Reindl Harald пишет:
>> Am 16.05.2016 um 08:58 schrieb Andrei Borzenkov:
>>> 16.05.2016 09:01, liuxueping пишет:
>>>> Do you mean to say that systemctl will return a value when the process
>>>> is still at terminate gracefully?
>>> By default systemctl should wait for stop job to complete. What may
>>> happen - if it takes more time than JobTimeout, job is canceled while
>>> systemd is still trying to terminate unit. At least so is my
>>> understanding
>> IT DON'T RELIEABLE - my harddisks still making a lot of nosie by
>> suspending 3 VMware guests on a RAOD10 with 4 different disks and i have
>> observed similar behavior for single services too
>> [root at srv-rhsoft:~]$ time systemctl stop vmware-guest.target
>> real    0m2.484s
>> user    0m0.007s
>> sys     0m0.010s
>> [root at srv-rhsoft:~]$ systemctl status vmware-guest.target
>> vmware-guest.target - VMware Guest Group
>>    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/vmware-guest.target; enabled;
>> vendor preset: disabled)
>>    Active: inactive (dead) since Mo 2016-05-16 12:25:18 CEST; 1min 19s ago
>> Mai 16 12:25:18 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net systemd[1]: Stopped target VMware
>> Guest Group.
>> Mai 16 12:25:18 srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net systemd[1]: Stopping VMware Guest
>> Group.
>> Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is
>> incomplete or unavailable.
> I am not sure what this example illustrates. Targets do not start or
> stop anything; so stopping *target* does indeed happen instantaneously.
> Unless stopping target causes services to be stopped *and* target is
> configured to be stopped *after* services

well, normally one would expect that he can rely on the the parts of the 
target (the services) are *really* stopped when it returns

see also https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1123557

[root at srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/systemd/system/vmware-guest.target
Description=VMware Guest Group
After=vmware.service vmware.target network-wan-bridge.service 
Requires=vmware.service vmware-modules.service vmware-vmnet.service


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