[systemd-devel] rkt container engine fetch user/perm patterns

Brandon Philips brandon at ifup.co
Tue May 31 16:05:58 UTC 2016

Hello Everyone-

The rkt container engine wants to run with different permissions pre-start
and start. In pre-start it needs to fetch/download the container image
which is an unprivileged operation. In start it needs admin level
permissions to start the container stage1 (e.g. systemd-nspawn) and mount
the root overlayfs.

One way of accomplishing this is:

ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/su rktfetchuser -c /usr/bin/rkt fetch
quay.io/coreos/etcd blah blah
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rkt run $(COREOS_VERSIONS_ETCD_FULL) blah blah

The other way would be to create a fetch service and a run service but that
is sort of clunky for users to configure.

Are there other mechanisms to not require the use of wrappers like su?

Thank You,

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