[systemd-devel] Munge start Error

D.S. Ljungmark spider at aanstoot.se
Thu Nov 17 15:16:17 UTC 2016

On 17/11/16 13:11, JEYARAJ wrote:
> Hi All,
> Dear Sir,
> I ,am installing  job scheduling system for a single machine.munge also
> installed latest version.
> I start with Munge service .Error is showing;
> Again I used the command:
> Systemctl status munge.service 
> Error is came.
> Please help me sir..

The solution is there in the image that you sent to the list. This is
not an error in systemd, nor is it systemd-specific.

See the line that says "munged[9101] : munged: Error: Failed to check

That line is the one that is relevant.

"permission denied" means that either the directory it's attempting to
open, or the file it's attempting to open, is owned by someone else than
the user munged runs as .

I'd suggest you look at the munged mailinglist or forum for help with this.

Most probably, if the init scripts read&write the files as a "munge"
user, but you've manually launched it as root, you've created the log
files with the wrong permissions / owner, and then get to fix it first.

Good luck.


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