[systemd-devel] systemd-sysv-generator bug ?

Andrei Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 18:17:23 UTC 2016

22.11.2016 12:34, Benoit SCHMID пишет:
> Hello,
> On 11/22/2016 09:15 AM, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
>> Assuming that your command survives normal session exit - does adding
>> "After=user.slice" to your service helps? This should ensure your
>> service is stopped before any user processes.
> With "After=system.slice local-fs.target network-online.target
> systemd-journald.socket user.slice basic.target",
> my process is still killed by systemd before my stop script is started.

Yes, it was my mistake. There is no systemd service unit *after* user
sessions on startup (nor is it logically possible, as user sessions come
and go). User session is represented by session-NNN.scope unit. On
shutdown these units are stopped as soon as possible, according to
general systemd behavior.

These units are created on demand by logind; they have fixed
dependencies, you cannot change them. It /may/ be possible to use
drop-ins, except these names are not known in advance.

There is no easy way to order something to be stopped first, just as
there is no easy way to order something to be started last using systemd.

It is possible to override special targets (poweroff.target etc) to pull
in special service that will then trigger actual poweroff etc. This
effectively means overriding vendor supplied systemd confguration; I
doubt SAP would ever accept it as supported solution.

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