[systemd-devel] after=local-fs not enforced

Benoit SCHMID Benoit.Schmid at unige.ch
Thu Nov 24 15:20:04 UTC 2016


We have defined the following sap_XXX.service.
It contains the following in [Unit]:
After=local-fs.target network-online.target ora_lsnr_XXX.service

Stopping and Starting the service with systemd runs fine.

When we reboot, systemd umounts local file systems,
before sap_XXX is stopped.
This is done although there is After=local-fs.target.

What are we missing?

Above there is the output with a few substitutions (XXX and YYY).

# systemctl --version
systemd 219

Thanks for your answer.


     Benoit Schmid              Tel: (+41-22) 379-7209

     University of Geneva - Information Technology Division


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