[systemd-devel] after=local-fs not enforced

Andrei Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Thu Nov 24 19:14:59 UTC 2016

24.11.2016 18:20, Benoit SCHMID пишет:
> Hello,
> We have defined the following sap_XXX.service.
> It contains the following in [Unit]:
> ###
> After=local-fs.target network-online.target ora_lsnr_XXX.service
> remote-fs.target
> Wants=ora_lsnr_XXX.service
> ###
> Stopping and Starting the service with systemd runs fine.
> When we reboot, systemd umounts local file systems,
> before sap_XXX is stopped.
> This is done although there is After=local-fs.target.
> What are we missing?
> Above there is the output with a few substitutions (XXX and YYY).
>  http://pastebin.com/nLJ5Zbgj

Nov 24 15:22:03 hostname blkdeactivate[12482]: [UMOUNT]: unmounting
vg_yyysap-lv_yyyap_sap (dm-21) mounted on /usr/sap/YYY... done

What is blkdeactivate? It does not belong to systemd.

> # systemctl --version
> systemd 219
> Thanks for your answer.

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