[systemd-devel] [PATCH 1/2] ima: Have IMA policy loaded from /etc/sysconfig or /etc/default.

Tomasz Torcz tomek at pipebreaker.pl
Mon Nov 28 19:20:23 UTC 2016

On Mon, Nov 28, 2016 at 02:17:19PM -0500, Stefan Berger wrote:
> From: Stefan Berger <stefanb at us.ibm.com>
> Fedora has its policy in /etc/sysconfig/ima-policy while Ubuntu
> has it in /etc/default/ima-policy. So we try to read the IMA policy
> from one location and try it from another location if it couldn't
> be found. To maintainer backwards compatibility, we also try
> /etc/ima/ima-policy.

  Shouldn't we work to get rid of those pointless differences, instead
of legitimizing them?

Tomasz Torcz                Only gods can safely risk perfection,
xmpp: zdzichubg at chrome.pl     it's a dangerous thing for a man.  -- Alia

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