[systemd-devel] Two questions about logind and seats

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Aug 1 07:00:25 UTC 2017

On Mo, 31.07.17 21:24, nerdopolis (bluescreen_avenger at verizon.net) wrote:

> > > First, when I attach a 2nd graphics card to seat1, it seems CanMultisession is
> > > set to 0. Is there a way to change that? or is that only supported on seat0, 
> > > that supports the TTYs?
> > 
> > Yes, this is only supported where VTs are supported, and that is
> > only seat0.
> Thanks, It's currently a kernel limitation I assume? I guess I'll worry about 
> multiple sessions on non seat0 seats when it _is_ supported.

Yeah the VCs are drawn by the kernel, hence doing multi-session on
other but the first seat would mean either updating the kernel or
doing something purely in userspace with a userspace terminal
renderer. David Hermann was working on something like this, but he
lost interest.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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