[systemd-devel] question about system reboot and shutdown

Marek Floriańczyk marek.florianczyk at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 20:04:18 UTC 2017

Dnia wtorek, 8 sierpnia 2017 19:35:12 CEST Mantas Mikulėnas pisze:
> I suggest first porting microupsd itself to a native systemd .service file
> (so that it'll have process monitoring and everything). That might even fix
> part of the problem.


I have no problem with changing some code in microupsd so it behave in certain 
way. It is handling SIGTERM and other signals if needed.
The problem for me is that SIGTERM is send to process during system reboot and 
system halt - so I need to differentiate between the two.

If you can suggest me  a way, maybe with some example I will change my code.

Best Regards

> Normally services are given a certain amount of time to stop after SIGTERM
> (or whatever KillSignal was set, or whatever ExecStop command was
> specified). Even if microupsd doesn't handle SIGTERM nicely (which I'd call
> a bug), it's possible to add some... arbitrary delays.
> Units are stopped due to having automatic Conflicts=shutdown.target, if I
> remember correctly. I'm not sure if disabling that default dependency is a
> good approach though...
> This time I can't think of a good combination that'd solve both problems
> without introducing some ugly race conditions...
> On Tue, Aug 8, 2017, 21:46 Marek Floriańczyk <marek.florianczyk at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Dnia wtorek, 8 sierpnia 2017 21:04:18 CEST Andrei Borzenkov pisze:
> > > 08.08.2017 17:03, Marek Floriańczyk пишет:
> > > > What would be the proper way to distinguish between system is going
> > 
> > down
> > 
> > > > for reboot and for shutdown ?
> > > 
> > > Straightforward way is to make your service WantedBy poweroff.target and
> > > halt.target. You can then have second service WantedBy reboot.target and
> > > kexec.target. They may even call the same binary (script) but with
> > > different arguments.
> > 
> > Thanks for answer,
> > 
> > So, my binary "microupsd" is started  by /etc/init.d/microups at the boot
> > time
> > to monitor power input, battery status etc.
> > During system halt I need to send SIGUSR1 to this "microupsd" process at
> > which
> > it will send command to microups device, moreover  I would like to give it
> > some time (like 1-2 seconds) to accomplish the transmission.
> > I don't need to send anything in case of reboot.
> > 
> > Should I prepare some script that sends SIGUSR1 to "microupsd" process and
> > then sleeps for 2 seconds and set it as WantedBy poweroff.target and
> > halt.target ?
> > 
> > How can I be sure that this script will be called before "microupsd" is
> > actually killed during system shutdown ?
> > 
> > Best Regards
> > Marek
> > 
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