[systemd-devel] Is this list still active? Where can I get basic help with systemd

Doug Snyder webcoach101 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 01:40:33 UTC 2017

I'm trying to write a basic systemd service. The ExecStart command I'm
using works. The systemd service doesn't. It throws a cryptic error and I
can't find any documentation on the web that makes any sense of it. I
posted on this list and got no responses. Is this list active? If not is
there somewhere I can get basic help for setting up a service. Systemd is
the default tool daemonizing on most Linux distros right? There must be
some way to get help to get a basic example working.

My previous email:

I am trying to create a systemd service to manage the celery task queue

My service file is :
Description=Celery bf Service

ExecStart=/home/doug/.virtualenvs/bf-env/bin/celery    -A tasks worker
 --app=tasks.celery_app:app   --logfile=/var/log/celery/bf/%n%I.log
 --loglevel=INFO   -Ofair --time-limit=300

When I run:
$ systemctl start celery_bf.service
I get:
Job for celery_bf.service failed because a configured resource limit was
exceeded. See "systemctl status celery_bf.service" and "journalctl -xe" for

$ systemctl status celery_bf.service
● celery_bf.service - Celery bf Service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/celery_bf.service; enabled; vendor
preset: disabled)
   Active: failed (Result: resources)

Nov 20 13:57:20 stower systemd[1]: celery_bf.service failed.
Nov 20 13:57:20 stower systemd[1]: Starting Celery bf Service...
Nov 20 13:58:33 stower systemd[1]: celery_bf.service failed to run 'start'
task: Operation not supported
Nov 20 13:58:33 stower systemd[1]: Failed to start Celery bf Service.
Nov 20 13:58:33 stower systemd[1]: celery_bf.service failed.
Nov 20 13:58:33 stower systemd[1]: Starting Celery bf Service...
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower systemd[1]: celery_bf.service failed to run 'start'
task: Operation not supported
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower systemd[1]: Failed to start Celery bf Service.
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower systemd[1]: celery_bf.service failed.
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower systemd[1]: Starting Celery bf Service...

$ journalctl -xe
Nov 20 14:05:12 stower polkitd[29785]: Unregistered Authentication Agent
for unix-process:11449:78569047 (system bus name :1.1184, object path
Nov 20 14:06:00 stower polkitd[29785]: Registered Authentication Agent for
unix-process:11476:78574149 (system bus name :1.1187 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower polkitd[29785]: Operator of
unix-process:11476:78574149 successfully authenticated as unix-user:doug to
gain ONE-SHOT authorization for
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower systemd[1]: celery_bf.service failed to run 'start'
task: Operation not supported
Nov 20 14:06:03 stower systemd[1]: Failed to start Celery bf Service.
-- Subject: Unit celery_bf.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/systemd-devel
-- Unit celery_bf.service has failed.
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