[systemd-devel] Start a global service

Damien Robert damien.olivier.robert+gmane at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 17:53:53 UTC 2017

Lennart Poettering  wrote in message
<20170215172159.GA10587 at gardel-login>:

> Sorry, but this is unlikely to be added. I understand that this would be
> handy, but this is semantically very questionable, as this would be
> transition from privileged code into unprivileged code, and that's
> something we can't really have.

Ok, I understand, I'll just parse /run/user/*/systemd to get the active
users (loginctl list-users is not very machine friendly)

> systemd is not really a battery manager, use services like upower for
> that, which do provide similar hooks.

Fair enough. But I don't really see the point to have a daemon that will
just listen to udev events for power change (udevd does other things which
I do not need). I prefer my solution which calls directly systemd services.

Damien Robert

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