[systemd-devel] How to disable Predictable Network Interface Names using a drop-in?

Andrei Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 06:13:33 UTC 2017

20.01.2017 17:51, Patrick Schleizer пишет:
> Hi,
> I've learned about the kernel parameter and symlink ways to disable
> predictable network interface names. However, as a Debian derivative, it
> would be much cleaner using a drop-in to disable it.
> Is there some drop-in directory foo.service.d that can be used to
> disable it?

You may try to override 99-default.link with


As I understand, having another file earlier in sorting order should do
it as well.

This should effectively disable name generation. Unfortunately, as
opposed to units, it is not possible to selectively override specific
key - first matching rule file is used entirely. This could lead to
missing changes in default link file on updates.

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