[systemd-devel] [PATCH] firmware: wake all waiters

Lennart Poettering mzxreary at 0pointer.de
Wed Jun 28 07:06:14 UTC 2017

On Wed, 28.06.17 00:24, Luis R. Rodriguez (mcgrof at kernel.org) wrote:

> > Do you know how systemd developers feel about the issue (CCed)?  Given
> > that it seems to dominate in data center OSes now I'm slightly worried
> > having to push Big Linux Vendors to package some seemingly
> > embedded-centric software just to make advanced NICs run :(
> firmwared was written by a systemd developer :)

No it wasn't. I don't know what firmwared is really. Sorry.

> I think it was first packaged into systemd, and then it was split out to
> help those who want it external.

Certainly not. I'd sure know about that. ;-)


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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