[systemd-devel] spurious suspend wakeup

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed May 31 11:02:27 UTC 2017

On Wed, 31.05.17 11:21, MichaƂ Zegan (webczat_200 at poczta.onet.pl) wrote:

> Hello.
> My laptop does spuriously wake up from suspend.
> 	Can systemd be involved in this? I do not know any timer set to use a
> wake alarm, but I may be wrong. I usually suspend by closing a lid, and
> logind reports lid opened after wake up, but I do not know if it is just
> because lid was closed before, or because it is really open. If that is
> not a systemd problem, then how to check wakeup reason?

All timers systemd manages are shown in "systemctl list-timers". Use
"systemctl cat" to see if they are configured to resume the system,
look for WakeSystem=.

How to debug the cause for a wakeup is probably sopmething to ask the
PM folks about.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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