[systemd-devel] Replacing nss-mdns with resolved

Sven Köhler sven.koehler at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 14:45:46 UTC 2017


I want to replace nss-mdns with systemd-resolved. However, I am using
NetworkManager, not systemd-networkd. NetworkManager is configured to
pass all DNS-related information to systemd-resolved.

Unlike networkd, NetworkManager does currently not allow to configure
the per-link MulticastDNS setting. Also, resolved.conf doesn't allow to
change the default of the per-link MulticastDNS setting. Since the
default is "no", MulticastDNS is essentially disabled for all links.

Is NetworkManager expected to configure the per-link settings?
Are you thinking about adding a way to change the per-link defaults?

Running networkd just to configure the per-link settings seems
redundant, but how would I configure networkd, so that it gets along
with NetworkManager?

Kind Regards,

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