[systemd-devel] my Ubuntu server sleep mode by Itself often

Peter Hoeg peter at hoeg.com
Sat Dec 1 02:08:54 UTC 2018

I am not sure if this is some grade A trolling or a massive language barrier issue but can someone who speaks french possibly reach out to Dorian and explain the purpose of the list? And if that doesn't change the behaviour we should simply block/ban him.


On 18-11-30 at 21:04, Dorian ROSSE wrote:
>   Dear IT worker,
>   Do you know why a old smart server return back to server mode from desktop
>   mode want to sleep down often ?
>   Thank you in advance to answer if you have an answer and to don’t be
>   hungry if you think I Junk the systemd mailing list,
>   Regards.
>   Dorian ROSSE.

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