[systemd-devel] How can I study systemd?

Matthew Hannigan matthew.hannigan at gmail.com
Sun May 6 07:26:42 UTC 2018

In particular: "Rethinking pid 1"

On 6 May 2018 at 17:25, Matthew Hannigan <matthew.hannigan at gmail.com> wrote:

> Try
> https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/
> and all the articles at Lennart's blog
> http://0pointer.net/blog/
> Matt
> On 6 May 2018 at 16:44, www <ouyangxuan10 at 163.com> wrote:
>> Dear,
>> I want to study the system, but I don’t know how to begin it. Who can
>> give me some advices to study sytemd?
>> I searched the info on the Internet and found that there was very little
>> information about sytemd. I didn't know how to start learning systemd. Even
>> in the github of systemd, can not get more info.
>>    1. I want to know that how does systemd replace init to start the
>>    whole system?
>>    2. How can I know the starting point of systemd code?
>>    3. How can I porting the systemd to the embedded linux?
>>    4. How can get the help info about the systemd code?
>> thanks,
>> Byron
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