[systemd-devel] cryptsetup open invoked from udev rule fails

Marek Howard marekhwd at gmail.com
Sun Nov 4 18:44:08 UTC 2018

So many revealings in one reply! Thank you very much for explaining it
in basic terms to me.

Mantas Mikulėnas píše v Ne 04. 11. 2018 v 18:18 +0200:
> You should just put an entry in /etc/crypttab instead, and let systemd-cryptsetup handle it via the existing dependencies mechanism.
>     backupdisk /dev/disk/by-partuuid/8c347a-02 /root/backupdrive.key nofail

You're right, /etc/crypttab is the way and it works like charm after

  systemd daemon-reload
  systemd restart cryptsetup.target

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