[systemd-devel] Add timer exception

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Nov 5 13:37:33 UTC 2018

On Mo, 05.11.18 09:36, Andy Pieters (systemd at andypieters.me.uk) wrote:

> What can we do about this, please? Is there a better way to define a
> timer to run every other day? Can we perhaps add an exception for a
> specific date?

A similar feature has been requested before: a way to configure
bi-weekly calendar events

If we add bi-weekly calendar events it would make a ton of sense to
also add bi-daily events (and other similar ones)

I would be great to add a concept for that, but so far nobody
suggested a nice syntax and a patch for it yet.

To deal nicely with the year-end issue I figure one option would be to
define a linear day/week/month index based on 1st jan 1970 and then
base repetitions on that, always adjusting things to the current
timezone correctly.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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