[systemd-devel] Does user timer start at boot?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Oct 2 15:00:23 UTC 2018

On Di, 02.10.18 16:25, Kamil Jońca (kjonca at o2.pl) wrote:

> I do not know if I not overlooked something.
> But my question is:
> Does "--user" timer start at boot like user cron entries?

Not normally no. That's because the systemd --user instance (which
runs user services, i.e. user@<foobar>.service) is not run at boot for
regular users.

That said you can do "loginctl set-linger <someusers>". If you do,
then the user's systemd --user instance gets started at boot, and is
shutdown only when the system goes down. In that case the timers are
runnable also before the user logs in, starting with the system boot.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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