[systemd-devel] Not able to start Weston dependent application

Jérémy Rosen jeremy.rosen at smile.fr
Wed Oct 31 12:19:17 UTC 2018

On 31/10/2018 12:40, Pekka Paalanen wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 11:32:45 +0100
> Jérémy Rosen <jeremy.rosen at smile.fr> wrote:
>> socket-activated weston ?
>> nice :)
>> Why does weston require logind ? I work in the embedded world and we
>> usually disable logind entirely (no users in the "human user" meaning of
>> the term)
> That's when you run Weston as a normal user: logind grants access to
> DRM and input devices and revokes access as well when appropriate.
Ok, no problem, we can deal with that in lots of ways.

I was afraid there was some more tricky stuff (dependencies on dbus API 
or something like that)
> logind is not a hard requirement. That option has usually been
> called for by people who don't have systemd at all. I'm not sure Weston
> has ever been tested on systemd but without logind. Or maybe it works
> and no-one told upstream. :-)
It works and no one told upstream :P

Weston (and wayland in general ) are a boon to the embedded world.

We are regularly asked to do systems with very precise placement for 
different windows coming from different apps

(think of a car, where the map application is usually an html5 
in-browser application, but you can swith to air-conditionning control 
which is a hand-made Qt application, and the the back camera which is a 
separate Qt+Gstreamer application)

In the bad-old days, we would have to play with X and window-managers 
like Awesome to do that (or write our own window manager which is... hell)

Now, we have weston which is very good at dealing with that (thx IVI 
mode) or we can write or own compositor which is almost as easy as 
writing a normal GUI application (qtcompositor, mainly)

A bit offtopic here, sorry about that.

SMILE <http://www.smile.eu/>

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*Jérémy ROSEN*
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