[systemd-devel] acpi_index value reported as 0 - not allowed?

Joe Hershberger joe.hershberger at ni.com
Thu Sep 13 19:05:33 UTC 2018


I have a system which reports acpi_index as 0, which matches the
labeling on the device. Looking at the source in udev, it seems to be
expecting an index greater than 0.

Looking at https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0134_2.7.1.pdf
it provides an example that uses 1 and 2, but I don't see anything
that claims that 0 is allowed or disallowed.

Would it be reasonable to send a patch that makes udev allow an index
of 0 or is there a reason not to allow 0?


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