[systemd-devel] set-property CPUAffinity

Alexey Perevalov a.perevalov at samsung.com
Fri Aug 30 10:21:50 UTC 2019


I found when we set CPUAffinity in unit file or property by DBUS we need 
to restart daemon. It's strange because CPUShares could be applied w/o 
restarting daemon. So after systemctl set-property my-slice CPUShares=50 
I see changes in cgroup fs immediately, but CPUAffinity is not in the 
property list and I don't see it in the upstream's 
man/systemd.resource-control.xml, hence cpuset cgroup exists and on the 
RHEL7 both libvirt & kubernetes handle its vm & pods in kubepods.slice 
and machine.slice sub cgroup respectively in appropriate cpuset mount 
point. And virsh allows to change cpu pinning for running VM, I guess it 
goes not through systemd API.

The question is: changing CPUAffinity property (cpuset.cpus) is not yet 
allowed in systemd API, right? Is it planned?

Best regards,
Alexey Perevalov

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