[systemd-devel] Unexplainable delays in execution of parted and sfdisk

Igor Plyatov plyatov at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 12:08:00 UTC 2019

Dear all,

I have my own /usr/bin/card_checker.sh shell script (Card Checker), 
which check correctness of /dev/sda disk partitioning and make 
re-partitioning when required.

Main commands of interest, executed by script are:
  parted -s /dev/sda rm 1                # Remove partition 1.
  echo -e ",1024M,83\n,,83" | sfdisk --quiet /dev/sda    # Create 2 
Linux partitions.

Script unmount /dev/sda* to be sure disk is not busy before parted and 
sfdisk execution.

Script operate flawless when started from console by hands. But same 
script has very long (around 10 minutes) execution of parted and sfdisk 
commands when called from systemd. With help of "ps ax" command I see 
that parted or sfdisk stay running and do nothing for a while. They wake 
up and do normal execution only after around 10 minutes.

The Card Checker Service file is as below:

Description=Card Checker Service
Before=gsiafw-console.service gsiafw.service gsieventmond.service 
gsiauxpower.service gsilcdpaneld.service guinevere.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/card_checker.sh sda


Please, help to understand what need to be additionally configured in 
that service file to allow normal (fast) execution of parted and sfdisk.

Best wishes.
Igor Plyatov

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