[systemd-devel] Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Antw: Re: Binary changed since start
Reindl Harald
h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Dec 12 14:11:33 UTC 2019
Am 12.12.19 um 15:06 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
>>>> Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> schrieb am 12.12.2019 um 14:05 in
> Nachricht <83a24e8c-4003-59f8-e9ee-cbf813fd16b6 at thelounge.net>:
>> Am 12.12.19 um 07:53 schrieb Ulrich Windl:
>>>> Your package manager does that all the time. It's possible and common
>>>> case.
>>> Seems you are all MS‑Windows guys: If the package manager would overwrite
>>> existing files, there'd be no reason to restart any process. What the
>> package
>>> manager does is to unlink the name from the inode and then recreate a new
>> inode
>>> assigning the same name. If you don't understand this difference, you
> don't
>>> understand how UNIX works. I'm kind of shocked to read such nonsense in
> this
>>> list.
>> you wrote nosense with "Did you ever try to overwrite a dynmically
>> loaded file? I doubt it is possible for obvious reasons" sounding like a
>> MS‑Windows guy
> Harald,
> please explain, not claim
there is nothing to explain when you write nonsense like "overwrite a
dynamically loaded file is not possible" which is how the world works on
Windows but not on Unix
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