[systemd-devel] Starting services enabled by filesystem overlay over /etc/

Matt Schuckmann Matt.Schuckmann at planar.com
Mon Feb 11 21:06:26 UTC 2019

Thank you all for the responses.

It sounds like I should look into creating an initramfs to mount my writable partitions and /etc overlay. I've never created an initramfs so it might take me a bit to work through it.

In the mean time I've found that masking services does work with my overlay for enabling or disabling services. So my plan now is to leave the service enabled in the read-only rootfs and then mask or unmask it in the /etc overlay.  This seems to be a reasonable workaround until I can get an initramfs in place; unless one of you helpful people tells me otherwise.


Matt S.

[PS I hope this gets added to the correct thread, I'm only receiving digests and I'm not sure how best to respond].
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