[systemd-devel] clang-format: auto-formatting the code base of systemd

Sebastian Jennen sebastian.jennen at gmx.de
Fri Jan 4 14:08:58 UTC 2019

Hello Giacinto,

from a semantic point of view the source code should not change at all 
with clang-format.

There is only one problem with the custom preprocessor pragma for the 
"new" keyword, which needs to be excluded explicitly. See old pull 
request here:

Despite of that the whole source code can be reformatted. I tried 
compiling after reformatting, which ran all tests just fine.

But the formatting output has to be checked, as some code might better 
be reformatted by hand to enhance readability. But this is 'just' about 
source code style.

Still a test of binary equality of the compiled binaries would be nice, 
to assure that no meaning has been changed.

Thanks and Cheers, Sebastian

On 04.01.19 14:48, Giacinto Cifelli wrote:
> Hello Sebastian,
>> - reformats all existing code, which requires review
> this can be possibly be automated, by comparing the generated precompiled files.
>> Cheers, Sebastian Jennen
> Regards,
> Giacinto

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