[systemd-devel] Bugfix release(s)

Amish anon.amish at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 01:35:23 UTC 2019

On 16/01/19 11:52 pm, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Mi, 16.01.19 09:46, Colin Guthrie (gmane at colin.guthr.ie) wrote:
>> Jérémy ROSEN wrote on 16/01/2019 08:24:
>>> yes... adding a "this is the start of the freeze" tag sounds like a low
>>> hanging fruit... it's almost no work for the core team to do, and it
>>> would be a clear signal that the freeze period is starting...
>> And automated mails to the list when this happens would be nice too, as
>> some folk will likely still follow the list more than they login to
>> github (and for those that do login to github they may have many other
>> projects so it could get lost in the noise)
> Hmm, I figure we'd need to set up a webhook for that... but someone
> would have to host this? Anyone wants to set this up? If so, that'd be
> excellent of course!
> Thanks,
> Lennart

May be a user (say systemd-watch) with 
systemd-devel at lists.freedesktop.org as email id can be created on Github.

And that user activates "Watch" feature with "Releases only" mode set.

So Github will automatically send email to mailing list. (needs some 
testing by mailing list administrator)



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