[systemd-devel] systemd-networkd Zeroconf address

Ratan Gupta ratagupt at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jul 22 14:58:02 UTC 2019

Hi Team,

I came across a requirement why the link local address exist with other 
IP addresses for IPv4.

Suppose if I enable the link local address through systemd-networkd then 
as per the existing

behavior, link local address(169.254.*.*) will always exist on the 
interface irrespective of whether

static/dynamic address exist or not.

The expectation is if either static/dhcp address exist then zeroconfig 
address should not come even

if the zeroconf functionality is enabled.

Is it correct expectation? is it aligned with other operating system 
which is not using systemd-networkd

as the network manager?


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