[systemd-devel] StartLimitBurst/StartLimitInterval not getting enforced

prashantkumar dhotre prashantkumardhotre at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 07:01:51 UTC 2019

I use v230 systemd.
I see that even after repeated stop and start  of my service, i dont see it
going to going to failed state.
I have not configured any StartLimitBurst/StartLimitInterval , so default
values should take effect but I dont se ethat happening. service always
Is this behavior expected ? or this is a bug which got fixed in later
releases ?

$  while true; do systemctl stop snmpd;  systemctl start snmpd; systemctl
status snmpd;done

$ cat snmpd.service

ExecStart= /usr/sbin/snmpd

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