[systemd-devel] Permanently Ban for Dovecot

Martin Pitt martin at piware.de
Sun Mar 10 14:29:26 UTC 2019

Hello Onno,

Onno Verbeek [2019-03-10 14:52 +0100]:
> I’ve setup my firewalls pretty tight, I just run into a problem with the firewall for dovecot.
> When someone is trying to login, they get blocked after 5 try’s. I would like to ban the ip permanently, for now the ban seems to be cancelled after 4 hours. 

This sounds like fail2ban.

> Does anyone know how to ban the ip permanently?

This depends on  which firewall software you use (which is for permanent
configuration, not temporary like fail2ban).

This is totally unrelated to systemd, so please rather consult the
documentation or ask on the mailing lists/forum of  your firewall software.


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