[systemd-devel] exceeding match limit via sd_bus_add_match

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Oct 31 11:33:05 UTC 2019

On Mo, 09.09.19 11:42, Ivan Mikhaylov (i.mikhaylov at yadro.com) wrote:

> I have a system with a lot of sdbus properties which have to be 'match'ed. After
> reaching some match limit I'm getting -105 (ENOBUFS) on regular base. The
> -105/(ENOBUFS) represents exceeding 'some limit', according to the doc.
> In manpage for sd_bus_add_match() there is no helpful information about
> possible reasons for this over the limit case. I'm trying to figure it out from
> systemd code, with little success so far.
> What the limit is and where I can tweak it?

It's generally the daemon that puts a limit to this not the
client. i.e. you need to consult dbus-daemon/dbus-broker configuration
for the limit.

Usually instead of having many fine-grained matches it's more
efficient to have few broader ones. i.e. instead of matching each
property individually, consider matching the whole interface or so.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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