[systemd-devel] set-property CPUAffinity

Alexey Perevalov a.perevalov at samsung.com
Tue Sep 3 16:49:46 UTC 2019

Hello Michal,

Thank you for response!

On 9/3/19 6:03 PM, Michal Koutný wrote:
> Hello Alexey.
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 01:21:50PM +0300, Alexey Perevalov <a.perevalov at samsung.com> wrote:
>> [...]
>> The question is: changing CPUAffinity property (cpuset.cpus) is not yet
>> allowed in systemd API, right? Is it planned?
> Note that CPUAffinity= uses the mechanism of sched_setaffinity(2) which
> is different from using cpuset controller restrictions (that's also why
> you find it in `man systemd.exec` and not it `man
> systemd.resource-control`).
> IMO, systemd may eventually support the cpuset controller with a
> different directive.

Does it mean community open for enhancement in this direction?

Looks like current work on issues and enhancements are doing in github,
so I can create a RFE.

>> [...] on the RHEL7 both libvirt & kubernetes handle its vm & pods in
>> kubepods.slice and machine.slice sub cgroup respectively in
>> appropriate cpuset mount point. [...]
> The components that do CPU pinning via cpuset controller do that on
> their own (relying on no collisions in the cpuset tree).
> Michal

Best regards,
Alexey Perevalov

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