[systemd-devel] TPMs on Linux (was Re: Make systemd-localed modify the kernel commandline for the initrd keymap?)

Lennart Poettering mzxreary at 0pointer.de
Sun Sep 29 09:45:55 UTC 2019

On Fr, 27.09.19 19:26, Mantas Mikulėnas (grawity at gmail.com) wrote:

> > That's the main problem. Only two of my several still-reasonably-modern
> > x64 machines have TPMs, and one of them is TPM 1.2 which requires the
> > completely unmaintained Trousers stack.
> As a side topic for systemd-homed, I kind of wish Linux had some actual
> daemon that would take care of TPM stuff, like providing an API to
> seal

A small clarification: systemd-homed does not interface with the
TPM. I am pretty sure it shouldn't. I think linking your OS storage to
the TPM makes sense, but the user's data store not so much.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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