[systemd-devel] Who deals with the signals of "InterfacesAdded" ?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Apr 9 17:02:17 UTC 2020

On Do, 09.04.20 21:27, www (ouyangxuan10 at 163.com) wrote:

> Dear all,
> when I add a new object to dbus, and will send a signal(named
> InterfacesAdded) to "org.freedesktop.Dbus.ObjectManager". I want to
> ask, who is going to handle this signal? What did it do? Where is
> the code?

Note sure I understand the question.

On D-Bus signals are broadcast to the bus and anyone who is interested
can subscribe to them. That can be one peer, or many peers or zero
peers. If you are writing a service yourself, and don#t write a
matching client, then of course most likely nobody is going to
subscribe to your signal and it will just be dropped by the broker.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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