[systemd-devel] systemd-hostnamed/hostnamectl and transient hostname change

Mantas Mikulėnas grawity at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 09:51:28 UTC 2020

On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 6:17 PM Thomas HUMMEL <thomas.hummel at pasteur.fr>

> 1. why does the transient hostname change while I stated --static only
> while running hostnamectl ?
> 2. why does the change take some time to appear on dbus ?

Hostnamed does not implement receiving hostname change notifications from
the kernel, so it always reports you the same hostname that it has seen on

You're only seeing changes because hostnamed *exits when idle* -- the next
time you're actually talking to a brand new instance of hostnamed, which
has seen the new hostname.

> 3. what is supposed to happen the other way around ? i.e. if I change
> the transient hostname (hostname(1) command or writing to
> /proc/sys/kernel/hostname) : is dbus/hostnamectl supposed to see the
> change ? When and how ?

In theory, hostnamed should be waiting for poll()
<https://git.kernel.org/linus/f1ecf06854a66ee663f4d4cf029c78cd62a15e04> on
/proc/sys/kernel/hostname. If hostnamed is running when the change happens,
it should receive an event through epoll and re-read the hostname. (If
hostnamed is *not* running, it will simply re-read the hostname on startup
and no special events are needed.)

In practice, hostnamed does not do that (although several other systemd
daemons do). It was probably forgotten to implement.

D-Bus doesn't care about hostnames; it's just a message bus.

Mantas Mikulėnas
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