[systemd-devel] [User question]Systemd cgroups freezes after activating EVM

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Aug 14 07:08:09 UTC 2020

On Do, 13.08.20 11:15, Vranceanu, Vladut (Vladut.Vranceanu at harman.com) wrote:

> I would much appreciate any lead to what I could be doing wrong, as it is difficult for me to trace the problem both for my lack of expertise and the way the image is formed.

systemd is just the messenger here. It tries to mount cgroupfs and
that's denied due to some permission problem. We don't know IMA/EVM
here. Please contact the IMA community instead, they might be able to
tell you why the kernel would refuse cgroupfs mounts.

cgroupfs is required to be mountable for systemd to work. There's no
way around that.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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