[systemd-devel] Antw: [EXT] systemd-makefs with very slight data corruption ?

Ulrich Windl Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Thu Feb 13 07:22:57 UTC 2020

>>> "Xogium" <contact at xogium.me> schrieb am 12.02.2020 um 19:19 in Nachricht
<20538_1581532274_5E444471_20538_1493_1_C0KE5IL8FV0W.1GJ93L5AHSABJ at dragonstone>:

> Hi,
> I am wondering about how to best implement a mechanism to recreate a 
> specific 
> filesystem in case of the slightest data corruption done to it. From what I

> read 
> in systemd‑makefs manpage, the tool will not trigger if it can detect that a

> filesystem is already present. However I'm thinking that in some case, the 
> data 
> can get corrupted, yet the filesystem still is reported as ext4 to makefs. 
> Perhaps I understood wrong, in which case, could I somehow order 
> systemd‑makefs 
> to be ran only if either systemd‑fsck fails, or if mounting fails ? This 
> filesystem can easily get corrupted due to power loss, and isn't important 
> for 
> the entire system to work, however it would be nicer if this could be 
> detected 
> and delt with accordingly.

So why don't you use a tmpfs if the data can be lost anytime?

> Thanks !
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