[systemd-devel] Is there a way to uninstall the file system first and then stop all services?I

www ouyangxuan10 at 163.com
Thu Feb 27 12:39:53 UTC 2020

Dear all,

In systend, the order of power off is: first stop all services, and then uninstall the file system to oldroot. In special applications, if the systemd need to stop most services first (need to keep some services communicating with the outside world over the network), then uninstall the file system to oldroot, then perform special operations(update the system), and then stop other services, then turn off the system. What should I do if I want to achieve such a function?Are there any good suggestions?Or how do you modify the code for systemd?

Or is there a way to uninstall the file system first and then stop all services?

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