[systemd-devel] timed out waiting for device dev-disk-by\x2duuid

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jan 13 09:22:14 UTC 2020

On Sa, 04.01.20 18:58, Georg Großmann (georg at grossmann-technologies.de) wrote:

> Has this issue been fixed on either systemd or on BTRFS side in the
> meantime? I am currently testing a BTRFS raid1 with two disk in my
> virtualbox. I have installed a bootloader on both disks. After removing
> one of the disks I always get stuck at "timed out waiting for device
> dev-disk-by\x2duuid". Or is it still a 100% manual task to get the raid1
> up again?

systemd does not implement a policy manager that decides when it's
time to not wait for additional members of a raid device anymore. This
is something the btrfs folks should put together. How long to wait for
how many of how many devices, possibly asking for user input is some
complex and specific enough for the btrfs folsk to take care of, and
is outside of systemd#s realm.

systemd with it's internal code will deal with the obvious case
(i.e. all members appeared), and provides hooks for policy managers to
hook into (the ID_BTRFS_READY udev property), but it doesn't provide
those policy managers, and that's unlikely to change.



Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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