[systemd-devel] Where are the places systemd logs?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Jan 13 10:18:42 UTC 2020

On Mo, 06.01.20 20:16, Jeffrey Walton (noloader at gmail.com) wrote:

> Something is broken here. I can manually start a service, but systemd
> can't/won't automatically start it at boot. But the kicker is, there
> are no logs anywhere until I manually start it.
> The service was previously [trying to] starting at boot, but it failed
> to start because systemd seems to lie about when the network is
> available. So I added additional After= and Wants=, and now no service
> and no logs.
> I really don't get this tool and why it hides so much information from people.

Your problem description is not very helpful. systemd doesn't
"lie". How have you configured these services, and how did you hook
them into the boot process? Which distro do you use, which systemd

It's hard to help you if you don't provide the basics for people being
able to help you.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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