[systemd-devel] systemd-journald, syslog.socket and service activation

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Thu Jul 2 13:49:12 UTC 2020

Am 02.07.20 um 15:09 schrieb Thomas HUMMEL:
> On CentOS Linux release 8.1.1911 (Core) x86_64 running systemd-239 and
> rsyslog-8.37.0 I'm experiencing a sometime strange (to me) activation of
> rsyslog.service when I would expect it to fail for a dependency reason.
> Note : I know how to make rsyslog and systemd coexist and I did
> successfully set it up like below. My post is about a test case I
> stumbled upon which I cannot explain and not about how to properly set
> rsyslog/systemd up.
> My production setup is like this:
> 1. make systemd-journald forward to rsyslog :
> [Journal]
> ForwardToSyslog=yes

and here the tragedy starts because "ForwardToSyslog=no" is the way to
go for many years now

$WorkDirectory /var/lib/rsyslog
module(load="imjournal" StateFile="imjournal.state"
WorkAroundJournalBug="on" Ratelimit.Interval="600" Ratelimit.Burst="50000")

* journald collects messages including early boot
* rsyslog can be started at any point in time
* rsyslog *pulls* from journald

"test case I stumbled upon which I cannot explain and not about how to
properly set rsyslog/systemd up" - but why would one want a problematic
setup using "ForwardToSyslog=yes" to begin with

"imjournal" is pretty fine for at least 8 years now

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