[systemd-devel] Antw: [EXT] Re: advice on how to address selinux-autorelabel issue with userdbd

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Tue Jul 14 09:35:54 UTC 2020

On Di, 14.07.20 11:02, Ulrich Windl (Ulrich.Windl at rz.uni-regensburg.de) wrote:

> >>> Lennart Poettering <mzerqung at 0pointer.de> schrieb am 14.07.2020 um 09:50
> in
> Nachricht <20200714075029.GC180968 at gardel-login>:
> > On Di, 14.07.20 09:10, Dac Override (dac.override at gmail.com) wrote:
> >
> >> selinux-autorelabel needs to be able to resolve users. Currently users
> >> managed with systemd-serdbd are not resolvable in the
> >> selinux-autorelabel.target..
> >>
> >> Should I be able to pull systemd.userdvd into the
> >> selinux-autorelabel.target? Is there a better way to ensure that homed
> >> users are resolvable when selinux-autorelabel.service runs?
> >
> > systemd-homed runs after /home, and the selinux relabel stuff runs
> > much earlier, no?
> >
> > How does this work for LDAP/NIS/… users? They typically are late boot
> > stuff too?
> Yes, it is a problem even at different places: You cannot use an LDAP user for
> any tmpfiles, even if the directory is used only after LDAP us up.

We explicitly document that system users/groups cannot be served by
LDAP, and if you do that you use systemd outside of its documented
intended work environment:


See last paragraph in the "Special Distribution UID ranges" section.

systemd-tmpfiles is a tool for creating system files/dirs, and runs
very early. We explicitly don't support it being used for anything
else, i.e. for creating files for regular users.

> Also the
> password utilities refuse to add the same user locally that exists in LDAP.
> Typically I restart the tmpfiles unit again manually and then things are OK.
> (In this regard NFS "bg" mounts are much smarter than systemd's tmpfiles
> unit.)

Don#t use tmpfiles for regular user stuff, do not use it for LDAP
users. It's not for that. It's a usecase we explicitly do not cover. Sorry.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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