[systemd-devel] Parent slices and resource control

Patrick Dimond me at ptrckd.com
Tue Jun 2 15:49:01 UTC 2020

On Mon, Jun 01, 2020 at 12:22:03PM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> Consider this tree:
> -.slice
> `- foo.slice
> |  `- miau.service
> `- bar.slice
> |  `- bar-quux.slice
> |  |  `- daemon.service
> |  |  `- otherdaemon.service
> |  `- bar-uuu.slice
> |     ` rumpel.service
> `- zzz.slice
>    `- zzz-yyy.slice
>       `- wuff.service
> And now you turn on memory accounting in daemon.service. This would
> then propagate up the three, so you get memory accounting on all its
> parents too: bar-quux.slice, bar.slice and -.slice. And you will get
> it turned on forthe units immediately in throse, i.e. also in
> otherdaemon.service, bar-uuu.slice, foo.slice, zzz.slice. However, it
> will not be turned on in: miau.service, rumpel.service, zzz-yyy.slice
> and wuff.service, since those are neither in the path to the root
> slice nor immediately inside any of those slices.
> Makes sense?
> Lennart
> --
> Lennart Poettering, Berlin

Yes! The diagram really helped. 

I think including a diagram like that would be helpful for others too.
I'm not sure where it should live or what the process is, but I'd be 
happy to put in the work to make that happen.


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