[systemd-devel] Accpetance of Environment Variables in Attributes

Ede Wolf listac at nebelschwaden.de
Thu Jun 25 12:07:03 UTC 2020

> I am not sure what made you think this works, but systemd has no

Pure logic of conclusion. Besides this being a sensible thing to be able 
to do, why is LimitMEMLOCK not causing the unit to fail, when given a 
(non existing) variable? Or, since it is no variable from a systemd 
point of view, but a mere string, why does that not cause a failure? 
$MEM should not be a valid argument to ulimit -l (or the underlying 

> but systemd has no concept of env var expansion in unit files. It's not a shell.

That is unfortunate (not the shell part, but the variable one), but 
thanks for the explanation, that helps.

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