[systemd-devel] Accpetance of Environment Variables in Attributes

Ede Wolf listac at nebelschwaden.de
Thu Jun 25 18:25:52 UTC 2020

Am 25.06.20 um 14:30 schrieb Lennart Poettering:
> Nah, unless you write a shell or templating language I doubt variable
> expansion is a good thing.

I am aware, that discussion here is futile, but this is contradictious, 

Description=test service


ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "echo helloWorld > /tmp/test.txt"


Does work, so %i works, $SOMETHING not. Different naming, different way 
of invocation, I am aware of that, but in general it still the usage of 
variables. And the likes of %H, %m or %v are some form of environment, 
aren't they?

> If you want a shell, use a shell.

Given the dominance of systemd, this is only in parts realistic. This is 
not meant to critisize systemd itself, just this rather bold statement. 
As shown above, variables (specifiers, whatever you call them) are not 
shell specific.

Anyway, thanks for answering.

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