[systemd-devel] systemd-hostnamed/hostnamectl and transient hostname change

Thomas HUMMEL thomas.hummel at pasteur.fr
Mon May 11 08:39:14 UTC 2020

On 5/6/20 11:51 AM, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:
> On 5/4/20 3:57 PM, Thomas HUMMEL wrote:
>> but
>> hostnamectl --static set-hostname 'static' where current static 
>> hostname is already 'static' then transient hostname is never set.

> Hello,
> am I wrong on this one ?

Hello, sorry to insist, I just wanted to know if this was intended or 
not and if so what was the reasoning behind that. As changing static 
hostname also changes transient one, which is fine, reapplying the same 
static hostname when transient is currently different shouldn't also 
change the transient ?



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